Gas network plan


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Every five years, we prepare a detailed plan about how we will operate, maintain, and invest in our gas network (ACT and Queanbeyan-Palerang) to meet the future needs of consumers. This gas five-year plan is submitted to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) for consideration and approval to determine how costs associated with the gas network are passed on to consumers.

Our current AER approved five-year plan is for the period from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2026 and is available on the AER’s website.

Our draft plan for 2026-2031

We are seeking feedback on our draft gas five-year plan for 2026-2031 which outlines the approach to safely and reliably managing the ACT’s gas network during the next regulatory period 2026–2031.

Community and stakeholder feedback has already played a large part in developing this plan, however we are inviting further feedback from our customers. This is to ensure our plan reflects community needs and priorities before we submit to the AER in June.


Provide feedback

The key focus areas of our draft plan include:

  • Continuing to provide safe and reliable services to customers who remain connected to the gas network.
  • Equitably managing gas network costs as customers decline to ensure that those who remain on the network for longer are not unfairly disadvantaged or asked to pay more than their fair share. This includes bringing forward some recovery of investment costs to share these equitably amongst more customers.
  • Managing the safety risk associated with an increase in the number of customers disconnecting from the gas network, while keeping the cost of disconnection as low as possible for customers.

We invite you to share your views with us on our draft five-year gas plan by Friday 4 April 2025 via, or you can complete our online form:

The 2026–2031 gas five-year plan timeline


30 June 2024 - Evoenergy submits Reference Service Proposal to AER (complete)

Our Reference Service Proposal describes the pipeline and reference services Evoenergy intends to offer gas customers.

You can see it and public submissions on our proposal here.


December 2024 - AER makes final decision on Reference Service Proposal (complete)

The AER made its final decision on our Reference Service Proposal on 2 December 2024.

See the decision here.


30 June 2025 - Evoenergy submits five-year plan to AER


November 2025 - AER makes draft decision on five-year plan


January 2026 - Evoenergy submits revised five-year plan to AER


30 April 2026 - AER makes final decision on five-year plan


1 July 2026 - Start of new regulatory period

Consumer and stakeholder engagement

Engagement on our five-year plan is an important opportunity to gain insights into how the energy transition may impact the community. We will seek to ensure we undertake genuine and transparent engagement with consumers.

  • Our engagement strategy

    Our gas network 2026–2031 engagement strategy outlines the engagement we will undertake on our Reference Service Proposal and five-year plan, which will be submitted to the AER by 30 June 2024 and 30 June 2025. Our strategy builds on:

    • our Stakeholder Engagement Strategy
    • previous regulatory review process experience
    • ongoing customer research
    • insights from other gas distribution businesses
    • industry best practices.

    This strategy will adapt as our engagement progresses. You can also explore the high-level summary of the strategy.

Our engagement program

We use different forums and channels to seek input and feedback on matters that impact our diverse range of gas customers. This includes our residential customers, businesses customers, industry, retailers, government and regulators.

  • Community forum

    Our community forum has been established to help us better understand the values and long-term interests of our customers and make informed decisions over the next five years and through to 2045.

    The group of community representatives will meet across seven sessions between May and November 2024. During these sessions, we are hearing customers' views on how we can plan out a fair and equitable transition path for the future.

    Although Evoenergy gives input to the topics discussed, the forum is facilitated by independent engagement specialists, Communication Link.

    Communication Link midway report

    The midway report, by Communication Link, provides a summary of the discussions and feedback heard from the first three meetings of the community forum.


    Community forum recommendations report

    At session 6, the community forum members prepared an independent report on their key areas of discussion and conclusions, including the values Evoenergy should consider while planning for the 2026–2031 period and beyond.

    Session presentations and summaries

    The below presentations and summaries provide an overview of what was discussed in each community forum session and what the outcomes were.

    Forum participants have contributed to and reviewed the summaries.

    Community forum session participants Community forum session participants

    Guest speaker series

    As part of our Community Forum process, we hosted a Guest Speaker Series on 3, 17 and 24 July 2024. This series featured insightful presentations from the ACT Government, ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) and the Chair of Evoenergy’s Energy Consumer Reference Council.

    Session 1: The first session covered the ACT Government’s recently released Integrated Energy Plan (IEP) which outlines the ACT’s path to electrification.

    Session 2: The second session highlighted the perspectives of vulnerable customers in the ACT energy transition, providing valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities.

    Session 3: The final session of the series discussed Australia’s energy transition and examined how the ACT fits into the national picture. It also explored customer perspectives, values, and priorities during the transition.

    Below are session presentations and summaries providing an overview of what was discussed in each session and key learnings:

  • Energy Consumer Reference Council
    The Energy Consumer Reference Council (ECRC), established in 2014, is a forum of diverse stakeholders, including representatives from business, community, social services, and varied demographics. It fosters strong relationships between Evoenergy and consumers, promoting open dialogue on key operational and strategic issues. The ECRC enables members to raise concerns, understand network service and pricing decisions, and stay informed on the ACT’s ‘Pathway to electrification’, while providing Evoenergy with feedback to inform regulatory planning and consumer impact considerations.
  • Energy Matters Forums
    The Energy Matters Forums are a series of discussions designed to engage Evoenergy's large energy customers as we prepare our five-year gas network plan. These forums provide an opportunity for Evoenergy to share information about our planning process and to open discussions around large customers’ concerns and considerations.
  • Energy Regulatory Advisory Panel

    Our independent advisory forum, the Energy Regulatory Advisory Panel (ERAP) was established in December 2023 and concluded in October 2024.

    Its member contributions informed Evoenergy’s engagement program and discussions on regulatory approaches for the 2026–2031 gas network access arrangement.

    The ERAP acknowledged the significant challenges for gas consumers in applying the current regulatory framework in the context of the ACT’s ‘Pathway to electrification’.

    About our ERAP


    • Dr Andrew Nance (ERAP Chair), Independent Consultant – The Energy Project
    • Wendy Russell, Research Fellow Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program – Australian National University
    • Katherine Lowe, Director – Axiom Economics (December 2023 to August 2024)
    • Louise Benjamin, Regulatory Consultant and Lecturer – College of Law NSW
    • Gavin Dufty, National Director, Energy Policy and Research – St Vincent de Paul Society Australia National

    ERAP Operational Guidelines

    Meeting documents

  • Customer research

    Our pulse check on customer preferences

    In April 2024, we engaged Sagacity Research to undertake a survey of the preferences and intentions of residential gas customers. We heard from around 1,600 customers who told us:

    • They are increasingly inclined to switch their existing gas appliances to electric ones (including their cooktops)
    • They are unlikely to switch appliances that are still working, but will replace their gas appliances with electric ones at the point of failure
    • The point of failure for their appliances is likely to occur within the next 5-10 years
    • The key drivers for electrifying their homes are gas prices and environmental concerns

    You can see the full report from our gas demand survey here.

    Please note in this report, demand uncertainty is defined as 'the proportion of customers likely to change existing gas appliances to electric appliances.'