Ground electrical assets


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Ground-level electricity infrastructure you will see around the ACT include substations, mini pillars, meters, utility access holes and power pole bases.

Mini pillars are typically grey-green and around 0.5 meters long and 1 meter high. Substations are either grey, green or cream steel rectangles and around 3-4 meters long and 1-2 meters high. Both house electrical cabling.

So we can keep a safe and reliable network, it’s important these stay clear of obstructions. Plants and trees on your property must be kept at least 1.5 meters away in line with vegetation requirements

  • Don’t leave rubbish, appliances, bins or other obstructions near assets either on your property or on the street
  • Don’t park your car within 1.5 meters of electrical assets
  • If you’re doing any building work, make sure you or any people working on your property adhere to building near utility asset requirements

Access to pillars and substations is critical for the safety of our network – you must not cover them with plants or build around them as it can severely delay getting power back on for you and your neighbourhood in the event of an unplanned outage or emergency.

If our inspectors notice the appropriate clearance has not been met with assets on your property, you may be issued with a Network Protection Notice asking you to clear the obstructions. 

Substation clearance Substation clearance

Mini pillar clearance Mini pillar clearance