Small connections are for residential, industrial, or commercial connection services between 70kVA – 3MVA.
Connection timeframes
The delivery of field works is dependent on your timelines and the complexity of the required services. We recommend you let us know about your project as early as possible to ensure we can work to deliver to your desired timeframes.
Please note the lead-time from our suppliers for items such as transformers has also increased to 10 months.
New connection, alteration to an existing connection, or disconnection
Process |
We recommend you get in touch with us to discuss your connection before starting an application: Receive connection advice Note: not all applications will require this step. Get in touch with us if you’re unsure if this is required.
Apply for connection services
Timeline |
Cost |
Our charging process for these connections is in our Connection Policy. The cost will vary depending on the type of connection. Upfront Design and PNA fees are documented in the ‘Fee-based ancillary service charges’ section of our Schedule of electricity network charges. Please note a PNA does not include a quote, only an application for connection includes this. |
Cancellation |
If you need to cancel prior to receiving an offer, please contact the Evoenergy Designer you have been liaising with for your connection. |
Connection offer |
Negotiated connection services apply to all small connections as they require augmentation or extension of the network, exceed 70kVA, or fall outside of the basic connection services definitions. Evoenergy will provide a standard agreement at the completion of design works. At that time, you may choose to accept the standard agreement or negotiate the terms and conditions of the connection agreement. Choosing to negotiate terms and conditions will result in upfront negotiation fees, will likely see an increased timeframe for the connection, and may increase the connection cost. If you wish to negotiate the terms and conditions, an email requesting this should be sent to the Project Engineer who provided your standard agreement. Evoenergy will then contact you to discuss the negotiation process. |