Authorisation and accreditation


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Any commercial business and their employees undertaking work on or near our electricity network must be accredited and authorised by Evoenergy. This includes training on our Electrical Safety, and Service and Installation Rules.

We use the online platform Beakon to record and manage company accreditations and worker authorisations. A list of Evoenergy accredited businesses can be found here.

The below information can also be found in the Evoenergy Accreditation and Authorisation procedure. If you have any questions, email our team at

Apply for company accreditation

Accreditation identifies a company as having the necessary resources and insurances to have authorised workers complete work on or near Evoenergy’s network in a safe and reliable manner.

  1. Complete a Company Accreditation Application Form. Once processed, a link to Beakon is emailed with login credentials.
  2. Upload the required documents to Beakon within seven business days of profile creation. Approval can take up to 10 business days.
    • If a document is rejected, correct and re-upload.
  3. After approval, you will be prompted to apply for worker authorisation.
  • Required documents
    Required document   Expiry period 
    Certificate of Currency for Public Liability Insurance ($20 million minimum)
    Sometimes a lower public liability insurance policy may be accepted –email
    As policy expires
    Certificate of Currency for Worker’s Compensation 
    Visit WorkSafe ACT for Workers Compensation information including legislated requirements and cross-border workers.
    Personal Injury Insurance is accepted for owner/operators. 
    As policy expires
    High Risk SWMS for the tasks being performed on or near the Evoenergy network
    Visit Safe Work Australia and WorkSafe ACT for guidance on the function, content and application of SWMS required for high risk construction work.
    Maximum of 24 months between reviews
    Statutory Declaration

    Download a Statutory Declaration template from the Attorney-General's Department.

    The person making the declaration should acknowledge and agree:

    1. only appropriately trained and authorised workers will be utilised to undertake work on/near the Evoenergy network.
    2. to maintain currency of all required insurance policies for the duration of accreditation.
    3. to monitor, review, and adhere to all safety documentation for the duration of accreditation.
    4. that Evoenergy may at any time review, suspend or cancel accreditation or authorisations. 
    One-off submission

Maintain accreditation compliance

Accreditation is valid for twelve months from the first document completion date. Documents should be renewed in Beakon before expiry – reminders will be sent for upcoming expiries.

Non-compliance over one-month will result in the company profile and all associated worker profiles becoming inactive.

Apply for worker authorisation

Authorisation is a formal approval for an employee of an accredited company. Authorised workers must adhere to our rules, procedures, practices, and standards.

Each authorisation outcome is specific to the task/s being performed and requires the worker to have and maintain currency for various training competencies.

  1. Workers must be employees of an accredited company.
  2. Request a worker profile by submitting a NEW USER REQUEST FORM from the company’s Beakon profile. Once created, a link to Beakon is emailed to the worker with login credentials.
  3. Upload evidence of having completed and maintained currency in the required training competencies to the worker’s profile.
    • Training evidence can be uploaded before or after completing the Electrical Safety Rules course, however must be uploaded prior to carrying out work on or near Evoenergy’s network.


Evoenergy Electrical Safety Rules

Workers completing this training will understand how to apply Evoenergy’s Electrical Safety Rules and other procedures related to working on or near our electricity network.

This course must be completed by:

  • any person required, or has the potential, to come within a safe approach distance of Evoenergys network, or
  • any person required to work on the Evoenergy network.

Evoenergy Service and Installation Rules

Workers completing this training will understand how to interpret our Service and Installation Rules, identify a network boundary, understand what work can be undertaken in the space and the applicable safe work practices and identify when an installation can and cannot be energised and de-energised.

This course must be completed by any licensed electrician in the ACT who is:

  • required to install and/or remove service fuses at the network boundary for single premises, and/or
  • required to terminate consumer mains cables at the network boundary of single premise installations (not including Point of Attachment style network boundaries), and/or
  • applying for an Evoenergy key to access metering or isolation locations in multi tenanted installations.

Non-accredited training courses

As part of our accreditation and authorisation program, we deliver non-accredited, network related training courses. These courses are available as eLearning in Beakon, allowing workers to complete the training at a time that best suits their schedule and can be completed as initial or refresher training.

Maintain authorisation compliance

Authorisation is valid for twelve months from the first course completion date. Ensure evidence of recent training completion is updated in the worker’s profile prior to the expiry date. Reminders will be sent for upcoming expiries.