Basic connections (less than 70kVA)


13 10 93


13 19 09

Basic connections are for residential, industrial, or commercial connection services under 70kVA.

You will need to contact your electricity retailer if a meter installation is required.

Our charges for the 2024-25 period are available here.  Learn more

New connection or modify an existing connection

A modification includes an upgrade to three phase power, change of service type (such as overhead to underground), and temporary supply.

There have been some name changes to our forms. You will now use the basic design application (formerly the RSM), and the basic connection application (formerly the RFS).


  1. Complete the Basic Design Application (BDA).
  2. We will confirm the design and scope of works required and provide an invoice for the cost of the services.
  3. Once the invoice is paid, complete the Basic Connection Application (BCA).
    • Make sure the site-ready date is accurate. This helps us schedule your connection date.
  4. We will propose a date to undertake the basic connection.
    • All required works on your side must be completed prior to the proposed connection date.
  • Up to 8-10 business days for a design.
  • Up to 25 business days to receive a proposed connection date.

Connection charges and design fees are documented in the ‘Fee-based ancillary service charges’ section of our Schedule of electricity network charges.


If you need to cancel a connection, call us on 13 23 86 or email us at

Connection offer

Evoenergy has two basic connection service Model Standing Offers (MSO) – one for customers without micro-embedded generation, and one for customers with. You may choose to accept the appropriate MSO or elect to negotiate the terms and conditions of the connection.

Accepting the terms and conditions of the relevant MSO without negotiation is referred to as an Expedited Connection.

By checking the ‘Expedited Connection Request’ box on the Basic Connection Application form you are agreeing to the standard MSO for the connection.

If you wish to negotiate the terms and conditions of the connection an email requesting this should be sent to Evoenergy will then contact you to discuss the negotiation process.

Choosing to negotiate terms and conditions will result in upfront negotiation fees, will likely see an increased timeframe for the connection, and may increase the connection cost.


  1. Complete an Application for electricity supply and meter removal (supply abolishment < 100amps).
    • Make sure the requested abolishment date is accurate. This helps us schedule the abolishment date.
  2. We will confirm the design and scope of works required and provide an invoice for the cost of the services.
  3. We will commence a design to confirm the scope of works required and provide an invoice for the cost of the services.
  4. Once payment has been received, we will propose a date to undertake the disconnection.
  • Up to 8-10 business days for a technical assessment.
  • Up to 25 business days to receive a proposed disconnection date.

Supply abolishment charges are documented in the ‘Fee-based ancillary service charges’ section of our Schedule of electricity network charges.


If you need to cancel an abolishment, call us on 13 23 86 or email us at