Application for electricity supply and meter removal (supply abolishment < 100amps)


13 10 93


13 19 09

Security Policy

We take your privacy seriously – the information you give us will never be provided to third parties or used to send unsolicited emails.

Read Evoenergy's privacy and security statement.

*Denotes mandatory field

This application is to be used when an electricity supply and metering is to be permanently removed from a site. For more information please call 13 23 86

Work site details

Evoenergy will require a site visit prior to works. Submitting this application will commence the basic connection design process which will be returned to the applicant with any required charges indicated. Payment must be made before disconnection works will be scheduled.

Works requirements

(If load is >100amps per phase please contact Evoenergy on 13 23 86)

Applicant details

Applicant declaration


The demolition works are NOT to commence until advice from Evoenergy has been received informing you of the removal of electricity supply and meters at the above site. This advice will be sent in the form of a Supply Abolishment Completion Letter.