Basic design application


13 10 93


13 19 09

Please note this form was previously referred to as a Request for Service Marking (RSM).

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*Denotes mandatory field

Contact details

Location details

Request details

Load requirements

Applicant declaration

Subject to and in accordance with the National Electricity Rules, I understand and agree that by signing below and submitting this application to Evoenergy:

  • I am submitting a Basic Design Application for connection or alteration to Evoenergy’s electricity network for Basic Connection Services.
  • I agree to pay the relevant design fee as particularised in Evoenergy’s Schedule of Electricity Network Charges. The fee shall be invoiced and I understand that I am liable to pay, regardless of whether I progress with the connection or alteration beyond the design.
  • Any confidential information of Evoenergy disclosed during the course of negotiations must be kept confidential.
  • This form does not constitute an offer and does not commit Evoenergy to providing any goods or services.
  • I warrant that I am authorised to execute this application on behalf of the connection applicant.
  • Being duly authorised, I approve access at the property for which the work has been requested, for Evoenergy and any required contractors appointed by Evoenergy to complete the requested works.