Embedded generation *
Note: Applicant to submit Special Connection Request on the Evoenergy website to initiate the embedded generation connection process at the time of application for electricity network connection or alteration.
Who should we contact if we require more information.
Subject to and in accordance with the National Electricity Rules, I understand and agree that by signing below and submitting this application to Evoenergy.
- I am requesting Preliminary Network Advice regarding a potential connection or alteration to Evoenergy’s electricity network.
- I agree to pay the relevant fee as particularised in Evoenergy’s Schedule of Electricity Network Charges.
- I agree to provide Evoenergy with all of the information it requires to negotiate on an informed basis and understand this information may include but is not limited to evidence of payments particularised in Evoenergy’s Schedule of Electricity Network Charges.
- Any confidential information of Evoenergy disclosed during the course of negotiations must be kept confidential.
- This form does not constitute an offer and does not commit Evoenergy to providing any goods or services.
- I warrant that I am authorised to execute this application on behalf of the connection applicant.