Share your feedback by Friday 4 April 2025 via this form or submit your responses via email to
Below, we have outlined key topics and questions to consider. You do not need to answer each question individually. Instead, please share your views in the free-text boxes provided.

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Topics & questions to consider
Future of demand for gas in the ACT and Queanbeyan-Palerang
- What are NSW customers views on the future need for gas infrastructure to service Queanbeyan-Palerang post the ACT Government’s plan to decommission the gas network by 2045?
Our community and stakeholder’s views
- Do you consider that what we have heard from our key stakeholder voices reflects your views and priorities?
- If not, what do you consider to be a priority area(s) for Evoenergy’s five-year gas plan (2026–31)?
Forecasting demand over the next five years
- Do you think that the region will experience a fast, moderate, or slow energy transition over the next five years? What are the main drivers for your response?
Views on measures to support the energy transition
- Noting that any additional expenditure proposed by Evoenergy will be recovered from customers:
- What is your view on Evoenergy including a public safety campaign in its five-year gas plan?
- Are there alternative customer support measures that should be considered by Evoenergy?
View on connecting NSW customers
- Should Evoenergy further explore options to impose a separate connection charge for new NSW customers as a disincentive to connect to the gas network?
Recovering Evoenergy’s past infrastructure investment
- What are your views on Evoenergy’s proposed approach to taking action now to recover past infrastructure investment while there is still a large customer base connected to the gas network?
- Are there other factors Evoenergy should consider in its approach to recovering past infrastructure investments?
Views on bill impacts
- How do you think the bill impacts shown will affect you over the next five years?
- Do you think the increasing gas bills will encourage you or others to transition to electric appliances faster than you might otherwise have done?
Views on flattening the tariff structure for residential and some commercial customers
- What is your view on the option to flatten the volume tariff structure by 10 per cent over the five-year period to 2031?
- Do you consider this approach signals the importance of emissions reductions in the ACT and Queanbeyan-Palerang?
- Do you think this option is fair for small and large customers?
Views on Evoenergy’s draft plan to not change the demand tariff
- What is your view on Evoenergy’s draft plan to not propose to change the demand tariff structure?
Views on how Evoenergy will update prices annually
- In the ACT context, do you think annual updates to prices should reflect actual demand or the forecast of demand made up to five years ahead?
- What are your views on the relative merits of a revenue cap, price cap, or hybrid in the ACT context?
- Which factors do you consider to be most important when choosing a price cap, revenue cap, or hybrid?
Views on safely disconnecting from Evoenergy’s gas network
- What are your views on Evoenergy’s proposed position to maintain a cost-reflective user-pays approach for the permanent disconnection and temporary disconnection services?
- Do you think that remaining customers should pay for (cross-subsidise) someone else to permanently disconnect for a lower cost? Why or why not?