Solar feed-in-tariff scheme


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21 May 2019

Evoenergy is working with the ACT Government to complete a quality review of the solar Feed-in Tariff Scheme data reported to the ACT Government from July 2011 to June 2018.

In 2017, we proactively initiated a review of the way we collect and report Solar Feed-in Tariff data. Our review found that as data was migrated between our systems, additional checks were required to ensure the data was appropriately categorised (small, medium and large-scale generation) and also accurately captured the solar inverter make, model and capacity details.

As a result of our review, we completed a data remediation project which included working closely with industry and customers to check and update the accuracy of source data.

As a regulated business, we regularly participate in audits conducted by the national and territory regulators, government, as well as independent auditors to ensure the data we report is accurate, reliable and timely.

All identified data issues have been resolved and we will ensure no customers are out of pocket as a result of previous data discrepancies. We welcome the ACT Government’s audit into our data remediation project and our related administration processes and look forward to receiving their final report in late 2019.

We are committed to ensuring our data is managed effectively and will continue to identify opportunities to improve business and operations processes.

ACT residents concerned about their solar feed-in tariff can contact Evoenergy on 13 23 86.


The ACT Government Feed-in Tariff Scheme was implemented in accordance with the Electricity Feed-in (Renewable Energy Premium) Act 2008. The scheme commenced on 1 March 2009, and closed to new applicants on 13 July 2011.

The ACT Government Feed-in Tariff Scheme is designed to:

  • promote the generation of electricity from renewable energy sources
  • reduce the ACT’s contribution to human-induced climate change
  • diversify the ACT energy supply, and
  • reduce the ACT’s vulnerability to long-term price volatility in relation to fossil fuels.

Evoenergy is responsible for collecting and reporting on solar generation data that informs eligibility and payment of the feed-in tariff under the Feed-in Tariff Scheme.

For further media information only:

0414 515 359
