Ginninderry battery trial builds on our future focus


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11 Sep 2020

REIF Direct Grants announcement group

Evoenergy is pleased to announce that with a grant from the ACT Government and support from the Ginninderry Joint Venture, we will be providing subsidised residential batteries for up to 75 homes in Ginninderry Stage 1A, to explore how small-scale solar and batteries interact with local electrical infrastructure in areas of 100 percent solar uptake.

Through the Ginninderry Residential Battery Trial we will work with participants to analyse solar and battery usage patterns so we can identify and test optimal battery charge and discharge times, to alleviate network congestion during peak demand periods. We’ll also be trialling a new cost-reflective tariff that provides participants with more control over their cost of electricity and help support the local electricity grid.

Yesterday, Evoenergy’s Strategy and Operations Manager accepted a $250,000 grant from the ACT Government under their Renewable Energy Innovation Fund to support the project, and commented on the importance of taking an innovative approach to ensure our energy network is resilient, reliable, safe, and secure now and into the future.

“In recent times, we’ve seen a rapid increase in the number of solar and batteries connected to our electricity network, which has changed the way energy flows,” said Mr Hinch.

“This presents network safety and reliability challenges which we’re working through, but we also recognise the great benefits that come when Canberrans have flexibility and control over the generation and use of their own renewable energy.”

“We know Canberrans want innovative, sustainable and low-cost energy solutions, so rather than build more poles and wires, we’re focusing on a more proactive, responsive and flexible approach to balancing electricity supply and demand, while we continue to enable the integration of renewable energy.”

“This project will help build our knowledge about localised demand management, and play an important role in evolving our demand management approach.”

Registrations for Evoenergy’s Ginninderry Residential Battery Trial are expected to open in October 2020. For more information or to stay up to date with trial progress and results, visit


The ACT Government’s Renewable Energy Innovation Fund (REIF) is designed to drive the long-term development and sustainability of the local renewable energy industry, to support the net zero emissions by 2045 target. The REIF provides direct grants to support a range of new and emerging technologies, ventures and activities that address complex energy problems and require innovation and collaboration across Canberra’s renewable energy ecosystem.

For further media information only: 0414 515 359
