23 Nov 2022
During September Evoenergy hosted the Future Network Forum, and co-hosted the ARENA DEIP Dive 2022 event.
Both events at ANU explored topics around future energy technology, and how energy distributors like Evoenergy can innovate sustainable energy solutions keeping our customers at the forefront.

Future Network Forum 2022
The Future Network Forum is a collaborative bi-annual forum attended by most Australian utilities that gives industry an opportunity to come together and share knowledge and ideas. We had the privilege of hosting this year—a great opportunity for Evoenergy to facilitate discussions on challenges and opportunities energy distributors are facing.
ARENA DEIP Dive 2022
ARENA’s Distributed Energy Integration Program’s DEIP Dive 2022 event was attended by a range of energy industry representatives to share knowledge about the future of electric vehicles (EVs) and distributed energy resources (DER) market integration.
Evoenergy Future Networks Portfolio Lead Eddie Thanavelil and Principal Engineer Saad Akbar shared an update on Project Converge and our EV Grid trial.
The event presented a valuable opportunity for Eddie and Saad to share their knowledge, and also listen to what other businesses are doing in the DER and EV space. We know the future of energy is evolving and it’s important we listen to what our research and trials are showing, so that we deliver more of what our customers want now and in the future.