15 Sep 2023
The information provided by the ETU about the pay offer Evoenergy has made to its employees is misleading. The pay offer totals 9.5% over three years, not 8% as suggested by the ETU. Further, Evoenergy makes and will continue to make employer superannuation contributions of 15%, which is well in excess of legislated superannuation requirements (currently 11% and increasing to 12% from July 2025).
The ETU is quoting $238m as Evoenergy's total profit for the financial year 2021-22 however Evoenergy’s underlying electricity profit, derived through prices regulated by the Australian Energy Regulator and relevant to these negotiations, is $76m. Half of this profit is returned to the ACT community through the ACT Government’s part ownership.
Negotiations with employees and their bargaining representatives are ongoing and Evoenergy is doing what we can to reach a fair agreement. We are disappointed the ETU has made the decision to escalate industrial action while these discussions are occurring.
Evoenergy has been working to minimise disruption to customers resulting from the industrial action being taken by some members of the ETU. There is however potential for some interruptions, including delays to customer-requested works and connections, arising from the ongoing action. We are assessing the status of our planned network maintenance work on a day-to-day basis and these works may need to be cancelled at late notice. We thank the community for their patience and understanding as we manage our operations during this time.
Evoenergy’s priority remains the safe and timely resolution of unplanned electricity outages for our customers and this work will always be addressed first.
For further enquiries, please contact our media team at 0414 515 359 or media@evoenergy.com.au.