Evoenergy Annual Planning Report 2023


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11 Jan 2024

In December we published our 2023 Annual Planning Report (APR) which gives an overview of electricity network planning since the publication of our previous report.

The report provides a comprehensive outlook on our strategic direction, focusing on transitioning to a contemporary Distribution Systems Operator (DSO) and adapting to changing energy demands.

“Over the last two winter periods we have seen record levels of peak demand. We’ve also seen a rate of electric vehicle registrations that have far exceeded optimistic forecasts,” said Evoenergy General Manager Peter Billing.

“With the recent announcements around electrifying the territory and phasing out gas, our focus is evolving our network so we can continue to provide safe and reliable energy to Canberrans.”

We’re working to diversify our energy system through the integration of non-network solutions. This involves collaborating with key stakeholders and market participants to understand what other opportunities outside of our network operations there might be to minimise environmental impacts and meet the energy requirements for the ACT.

Evoenergy’s investment cycles are determined by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER). The 2023 APR represents the end of the current regulatory five-year cycle while also providing an outlook for what the focuses for the next cycle will be. The AER will provide their final decision on our electricity network proposal for 2024-29 in April this year.