Evoenergy's annual aerial inspection program


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06 Feb 2025

Evoenergy’s annual aerial inspection program will launch on Friday 07 February and conclude by the middle of March.

This is an annual program where Evoenergy uses aircraft (VH-OAS and VH-NLG) to conduct an aerial scan of the electricity network.

The inspections take place each year under our essential bushfire mitigation and safety maintenance program for the ACT electricity network.

More information about the program is available on our website. Along with a map that will show where the aircraft is when it is flying: www.evoenergy.com.au/aerial-inspections

The aircraft will use Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology to identify vegetation that has grown too close to powerlines and other potential risks. It also has noise reduction modifications, minimising any sound impact that may disrupt the community.

We will provide you weekly updates to keep you informed on where the aircraft will be flying.

The ACT community will also be informed via the Evoenergy website and social media channels.