26 Feb 2025
In December we published our 2024 Annual Planning Report (APR) providing an overview of electricity network planning since our previous report (December 2023).
The report outlines how Evoenergy is addressing rapid demand growth, network capacity limitations, asset renewal, power quality and reliability of sub-transmission lines, zone substations and the broader distribution network.
Aligned with the ACT’s energy transition towards net zero emissions, we remain committed to delivering a safe and reliable network for the ACT.
The APR also explores opportunities for non-network solutions, such as embedded generation and demand-side management, alongside five-year planning requirements for the distribution and sub transmission networks.
“Over the past three years, our winter seasons have seen record levels of peak demands, with more households using air conditioners as the primary heating source, particularly during prolonged cold periods.
We’ve also seen an increase in the uptake of Customer Energy Resources (CER) as Canberra continues its electrification journey” said Evoenergy General Manager Peter Billing.
“At Evoenergy, our focus remains on maintaining a safe and reliable electricity supply while ensuring the network evolves in line with the changing energy landscape.”
As part of our efforts to diversify the energy network, we are integrating non-network solutions by collaborating with key stakeholders and market participants to explore opportunities that support the ACT whilst minimising impacts to customer bills.
Following the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) approval in 2024, we have begun executing our 2024-29 electricity network plan to meet the needs of the ACT community.
Evoenergy’s investment cycles, and associated costs, are determined by the AER as part of the regulator process.