Have your say on Evoenergy's draft gas five-year plan


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03 Mar 2025

Evoenergy is seeking feedback on its draft gas five-year plan, which outlines the approach to safely and reliably managing the ACT’s gas network during the next regulatory period (2026–2031).

The ACT’s electrification journey is unprecedented, bringing significant challenges over the next five years. Evoenergy plays a key role in enabling the ACT Government’s 2045 net zero target.

Evoenergy’s draft gas five-year plan sets out our proposal for managing the gas network for the five-year period commencing July 2026, a critical period in the ACT’s electrification journey.

Evoenergy’s General Manager, Peter Billing, emphasised the importance of collaboration with the ACT Government and the community to achieve an equitable transition. “We are focused on working proactively with stakeholders to support the ACT Government’s net zero goals while addressing community feedback and minimising cost impacts,” Mr. Billing said.

Developed with customer and community engagement over the past 12 months, the draft plan is now open for further feedback. Evoenergy invites input from all stakeholders, including customers, to ensure the final plan reflects community needs and priorities.

Key focuses of the draft plan include:

  • Continuing to provide safe and reliable services to customers who remain connected to the gas network.
  • Equitably managing gas network costs as customers decline to ensure that those who remain on the network for longer are not unfairly disadvantaged or asked to pay more than their fair share. This includes bringing forward some recovery of investment costs to share these equitably amongst more customers.
  • Managing the safety risk associated with an increase in the number of customers disconnecting from the gas network, while keeping the cost of disconnection as low as possible for customers.

As part of this draft plan, the network charge is expected to increase annual gas bills (on average) by:

  • $34 for apartments,
  • $84 for households, and
  • $265 for small-medium commercial properties

These changes reflect Evoenergy’s steps to manage long-term affordability and fairness for customers.

How to engage:

  1. Read the draft gas five-year plan and key details on our website.
  2. Provide feedback via the online form here.
  3. Alternatively, written submissions can be emailed to GN26feedback@evoenergy.com.au

Evoenergy encourages all customers, including residential households, businesses, and community groups, to share their feedback by 4 April 2025.

For further information or to engage with the process, visit our Gas network plan page.